Adam Savage Shining Maze Model Build

Adam Savage Shining Maze Model Build

I recently took part in the Stanley maze competition.  Wait.  Back up.  The Stanley is the hotel that spawned the idea for the book The Shining for Stephen King years and years ago.  The Stanley has been under new management for 25 years and they wanted to do something special to commemorate the occasion.  So they decided to conduct a contest. The competition was to create a schematic – the winning schematic would be the design to build an actual hedgerow in front of the Stanley.  So here is my entry into the contest (please note, I created like 5, but one is only allowed to submit a single entry!  GAh!  Hahah.) But I tried to balance complexity with aestheticism.  And heck, since I knew I wouldn’t win, I built the design I liked best.  Screw the competition!  hahah.


Obviously the design that I built for the Stanley is one that is designed specifically to fit into the space allotted in front of the Stanley.  Thinking myself super clever, I then went above and beyond and created a CAD drawing of the map I’d built.

Adam Savage on the other hand, has taken this idea of going above and beyond to a whole new level.  He has built a 1:50 scale replica of the maze detailed out in The Shining movie.  He built the hedges, with lights, and benches, and over 90 feet of hedge boards that he has screwed in and made to look exactly like perfect hedgerows. This guy is crazy.  But I love it.  And he has given us a complete documentary video of the build as well, which I’ve included for you below. Its a Great watch.

Photography by Norman Chan

Photography by Norman Chan