Ruinable Movies in 5 Words Or Less
Over at ShowbizJunkies – they pushed a post that had me laughing out loud. They posted a pile of movies that could be ruinable in 5 words or less. Great idea… really thought it was going to be a fantastic article. But instead of really doing it, they copped out and went with melba-toast movies and only half ruined them within their 5 word limit. For example, they did Star Wars. Come on. Obviously ‘Luke is gay’ was what they said. hahah. No, that was just a joke. They actually said the five word spoiler was ‘Vader is Luke’s Father’. But that is so obvious as to defy reason.
So I figured, heck – if you are going to do it… DO IT. Don’t pick lame movies with even more lame spoilers. So I thought I’d throw down and really show them how to really ruin a movie in five words or less.
To set this up… I’ve gone so deep down the rabbit hole I want you to actively do something to blow your own mind. I’ve put the spoiler in white, which will require you to highlight the words in order to get the spoiler. But do yourself a favor and try and come up with it on your own before you cheat.
Highlight here -> Watch out for the women
Highlight here -> She manipulates everyone to escape
Learn more. (coming)
Highlight here -> Aliens call them for research
Highlight here -> Machine photographs twice a day
Highlight here -> He is the masked man
Blade Runner
Highlight here ->Decker is a replicant
Highlight here -> Marcellus’ soul is in briefcase
Edge of Tomorrow / Live Die Repeat
Highlight here -> Cage becomes the new Omega
Highlight here -> The Sampler is innocent
Highlight here -> Mal is still alive
Highlight here -> Aliens are experimenting on mankind
Highlight here -> Ethan-A leaves with Sophie-B
Highlight here -> Cooper dies entering the Blackhole
Highlight here -> The machine never once works
Highlight here -> Leonard is Sammy Jenkis
Highlight here -> Nope. Not even the entire script, read to you aloud, will ruin this movie.