One hundred years later, we are still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination… I...
Nostalgic for a little back in the day cafe from NES? Yeah, me too. Then join me in playing some MUDs... not cool with Multi-User Dungeons? What about Super Mario?
Bible Experiment Joel Have you ever had someone prophesy over you? Has anyone ever told you your future? Is that...
I absolutely adored the movie Cloverfield. It was a realistic portrayal of what might happen if monsters just appeared amongst...
Interview with Parametric Artist Mary Wagner I get to meet so many freaking cool people. I love the interwebs. Definitely...
Handicapping the 2016 Oscars (With Way More Data Than You Could Possibly Ever Want) Some people love fantasy football, fantasy...
Long Screenshots and The Witness is finally coming - can't wait. can't wait. can't wait. oh, and we've got some amazing "long screenshots" of the game too to share! can't wait. cain't wait.
Here Is Chewbacca Tim Allen Because I love you I realized, that I was completely negligent in getting you all...
Persuasive Writing and a Conversation with an IMAX EVP I love meeting new people. I love talking to new people....
David Bowie you’ll be missed...
Interview with Dr Tara Smith the only Zombie Virologist You Know Occasionally I slum out in the world of papers...
Smartest Movie of 2015 The Big Short Movie Explained
How To Watch The Sublime War And Peace Show From The BBC With only one episode out so far in...
Are you interested in being interviewed? I'm serious. I really do want to interview you... like right now. I promise it will be fun and we'll both learn something in the process. Promise!
Bible Experiment Hosea Dang. Are you guys ready for me to lay the heavy on you? Because Hosea is full...