Biblionomicron - III John - wherein we unpack 5 specific verses from first John with 2,000 words of commentary and play by play.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #6 - a recommendation movie list that we'd like your help sussing out.
I’ve always wanted to write a time travel novel, or a screenplay, showing the absurdity of the idea of time...
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #5 - a recommendation movie list that we'd like your help sussing out.
Black Box Movie Ending Walkthrough Explanation - or why the Cosby Show has me all kinds of twisted about this potentially good Indie film.
Coherence Watch Party This Friday!!! - Come join us and watch one of the greatest movies I've ever written about here at THiNC.
Hot Take Big Blue Non-Director's Cut Praise - and yeah, this opinion is going to ruin your opinion of me forever, and I'm ok with that.
Look. I consider you guys family. Well, all of you but you, Jake. You, sir, are just annoying. But the...
The Little Things Movie Discussed and Explained - a movie that flips the scipt on the cop/serial killer hunt genre entirely. Oh, and that end?
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #4 - a recommendation movie list that we'd like your help sussing out.
Synchronic Movie Recommendation and Whine Fest - a functional time travel but we expected more from Benson and Moorehead TBH.
The Empty Man Movie Is Anything But Empty - a standard horror flick that is anything but a standard horror flick. Might rearrange your brain.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #3 - a recommendation movie list that we'd like your help sussing out.
Is the Movie Don't Tell a Soul Redeemable? It's a complicated closed box film with a ton of clever twists and a really messy ending.
Series The Head Recommendation Walkthrough - a murder mystery set in the arctic that will leave you guessing until the very end.