9 Crazy Theories to Explain the Movie Borgman - because Borgman might be one of the craziest movies I've reviewed in years.
I’m an outspoken defender of Indie films. My street cred in this regard is unimpeachable. Heck, I adore single set,...
OK, so, Time Loop isn’t an In Bruges, wherein I gave that particular movie 5 stars. Heck, even for a...
Class Action Park Is a Metaphor for Our Childhoods. Come on – who doesn’t want to take part in a...
Are You Watching Raised By Wolves? I’ve had a crush on Ridley Scott since Legend. I went backwards from there...
I never do this. Haven’t done it. As in, this is a first. I’m literally only half way done watching...
Latest Russian Movie Recommendation Coma Explained - a fun special effects orgy for the eyes. Definitely lacking in logic or coherence. Still a fun little ride.
Explaining How In Bruges is Literally Perfect - because this is a perfect morality play you won't have seen coming even after its over.
Free Advice - Skip the Movie Ava. Now, I get it, it's Jessica Chastain, and she's a miracle worker. Well not here she's not. Not by a long shot.
THiNC. Bespoke Movie Recommendations – #2 - wherein I try and figure out a movie recommendation for a movie addict. Wish me luck.
Mortal is How You Do Superhero Movies - because superhero movies today are a dumpster fire of band screenplays and worse, they are overdone. Mortal changes all that.
Russian Movie Sputnik is Surprisingly Good - it had a decent script, with interesting characters. It wasn't over done, or bombastic. And the special effects were on point.
If there is a movie that is crying out for being deciphering, it's Amulet. Amulet Movie Ending Decoded and Explained.
THiNC. Bespoke Movie Recommendations - #1, wherein I customize a movie watch list to your specific wants and desires!