Explaining Why Captive State is the Perfect Movie - and while we are at it, maybe I should explain that ending too, because dang was that confusing!
Explaining the Mindjob Movie Transit - because while easy to understand, it's simultaneously impossible to wrap one's head around. It's baffling to put it lightly.
The Movie Extracted is Mindjob Low Budget Brilliance - or how Extracted is an enjoyable cerebral mindjob of a who-done-it movie
Time Trap Movie Timelines Explained and Discussed - or how this movie might be worth ago just for the mechanics of its 'time travel'... or not. Up to you entirely.
Isn't It Romantic Movie Explains Rom-Com Problems and because normally, romantic comedies are the most predictable movies imaginable - but Isn't It Romantic is definitely not cut from the same cloth.
Why We Need More Hero Movies Like Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
PSA: The OA Season 2 Coming March 22nd - which basically means I am going to be completely unbearable until it lands. Sending Sorries in advance.
2006 Movie Unknown Will Keep You Guessing - because even after the movie ends, we still aren't sure exactly what happened. Definitely worth your time to check this one out.
Macau, the former-Portuguese colony now belonging to China, has an awful lot to shout about. Going from being a sleepy trading...
Explaining Zero Theorem Gilliam's Meaningless Madness - which isn't meaningless at all, but encourages us to drink deeply from the decanter of life.
Short Film XYZ From Fire and Dust Discussion - or, is this a recipe for how to get yourself a big budget production movie loan?
Literally – that is the only thing I wanted to say to you all – “Are you guys watching Kingdom...
Thirteenth Floor is Totally Overlooked Brilliant Mindjobbery, basically a brilliant VR noir film with cutting edge sci-fi details that still work today.
Explaining Why Lucky Numbers in TV and Film Matter - or why numerology would be my religion of choice if I didn't think it was idiocy.
THiNC's hopeful picks for the Oscars 2019 - which, isn't really hopeful at all, you see...