I Am Heath Ledger New Documentary Looks Fantastic - or wherein we get one last respectful rememberance of one our favorites, Heath Ledger
Phoenix Forgotten - Apparently Found Footage Is Still A Thing - who knew?
New Old Time Godzilla and King Kong Design Released - wherein I beg you to like my art and kiss your feet if you purchase any. No really. I'll fly there.
Land of Mine Is An Intense Must See Movie that tells an amazing story of such a well trod era of our history. It really is a must see movie by everyone.
Netflix Movie the Discovery Explained Debated and Discussed - or how there just aren't enough movies like this one from the creators of The One I Love
Explain To Me What Happened at the End of the Movie LIFE - because there was a space capsule and another one and some fishermen or something, what happened?
New IT Trailer Shows They Might Just Get IT right - or how we might just get ONE, maybe ONE good Stephen King Movie adaptation?
TRIANGLE Movie Explained and Reviewed - or how I was so annoyingly confused when I first finished this movie, but I think I've finally got it licked now.
Kong Skull Island Enjoyable Reboot or Stereotypical Bore? Or come watch as a I struggle with myself over which one this movie is.
Rone and his Divine One Project Paintings in an Old Papermill - or how I realized I really am not an artist. At all. Any. Not even a little bit.
Bible Experiment Romans, wherein we discover a man that was hellbent on killing Christians and destroying the church and then becomes its biggest advocate.
Movie Get Out Discussed and Explained - or how this racially insightful movie went from interesting to full tilt run for your life in ninety to nothing.
Taboo Season 1 Final Thoughts Explained - Definitely one of the most enjoyable shows in recent memory concludes and we explaine it stem to stern... eh?
New FX Show Taboo Episode 8 Discussed and Explained - and the amazing Finale that unlocks all the secrets the show has been keeping in season 1!!
My Explanation and Walkthrough of A Cure For Wellness, or how this creepy clever film will make you think more deeply about the real meaning of life