Combo Pool Is The Newest Viral Game Coming Your Way - and I had the privilege of chatting with the creator and innovator that is bringing it to you.
Suicide Squad Appears to be a sophisticated Rorschach Test - or how I realized there are two kinds of people in this world... Marvel or DC people.
Raubdruckerin is Guerilla Printing At Its Best - because everyone needs a t-shirt printed off of the cover of a German manhole cover. Promise. Everyone.
New Video Game Kill Box is a Philosophical Powerhouse that will get you thinking about our role in drone strikes around the world and the violence involved.
Bible Experiment Zechariah - or wherein you get to see a prophet shoot a hole in one on Mars from here on Earth. It's a spectacular shot. One that has to be seen to be believed.
“Do not …. snnnt-snap… hang up. I … something impor—-nt… to tell you”, the distant voice on the phone said....
Welcome to the Black Parade (ACAPELLA) by Austin Jones
Conversation with String Artist Petros Vrellis - wherein Petros and I discuss his innovative and creative way of looking at the art of El Greco through the most amazing weavings I've ever seen.
Ghostbusters Was Roundly Despised Despite Its Hilarity, which is fascinating because it's a level of willfull myopia that is beyond the pale.
Petros Vrellis and His String Renaissance Portraits are beyond amazing. Like robot good. Wait, what? Can this still be art if artificial intelligence and algorithms are involved? Let's find out together.
Bible Experiment Haggai - wherein I finally complete the path followed by my predecessor and respond to some of his fiercest objections.
Loris Cecchini's Gorgeous Wall Sculpture Extrusions - and how I now want to find a way to bring these amazing sonic sculptures to Etsy as quickly as humanly possible.
Bible Experiment Zephaniah - to hear that God is offering to wipe away shame and to remove the pride from my heart? That I will be restored to Him? Are you crazy... that is amazing.
Are the Duffer Brothers 9Mother9Horse9Eyes9 and the author of the Interface Series? I'll walk you through my argument as to why I think it is...
The Art of Rogue One is now officially and unreservedly, going to be blooming amazing. I guarantee it.