Return of the Obra Dinn Sends Us to One Bit Pirate Heaven Man I love weird bass-ackwards games. I love...
Bible Experiment Micah - wherein we wade into another book of the Bible that hears from God, only to be ignored by the people. Are you ignoring God today?
True Cost Movie Just Ruined Your Whole Week - and just because it's intense doesn't mean you can skip it, it means you HAVE to watch, Full Cost is amazing.
Can AI Really Replace Rembrandt and Artists In General
A Random Song of the Day Paralyzed by DM Galaxy
Initial Thoughts On The Rogue One Trailer Released Today - and I absolutely cannot wait for this movie to drop. So many awesome things just got revealed with this trailer today.
Obduction New Game from the Creators of Myst - which will bring a new tide of retro-puzzling-game design for the gaming community for the foreseeable. Cannot wait for this game to hit the street.
Movie Frequencies Explanation and Interview With Owen Pugh - sometimes I find movies that I just KNOW you guys are going to enjoy. And this is one of them. My track record is good. Just watch it. Then read...
Spoiler Tsunami! Thoughts On the Batman vs Superman Ending [amazon template=iframe image&asin=B01DEBC7Q6]I had no interest in this movie – at...
10 Cloverfield Lane Reviewed and Cloverfield Mythos Explained, because this movie is a lot lot bigger than it's small script and cast would have you believe. Join me as we pull the engine on this movie and investigate it from the inside out and explain what is going on here.
Today is the greatest of all days...
New Short Film Code 8 Prepped for Big Screen - wherein I find a 9 minute film I would prefer watching over Batman vs. Superman. But that goes without saying I hear.
Time Machine Subway Hoax Is Bloody Brilliant - what would you do if you ran into an older version of yourself? These guys play this idea out on a subway train...
Another Random Song of the Day My Forever - wherein I blow your head clean off your shoulders with another awesome beat.
Current Must Have Scooter Chairs - why is it that the Europeans have all the brilliant design ideas? These scooter chairs are freaking awesome! And in this post, I plot how to convince you all to buy me one. Brilliant. I know!