What does the the Ending of Next Exit Mean? A sad, funny, scary movie... and all at once? How? Regardless, I was intrigued.
Candy is True Crime Magic Watch it Now. Because I don't ever direct you incorrectly, and you'll be a better person for it. It's fantastic.
Tape Movie Closed Box Recommendation Discussion. THiNC. Is all about movies that make you think. Movies that are clever, deeply...
The Outfit Movie - What The Heck Just Happened? Because it is a more complicated movie than you may realize going in.
Movie Expired / Loveland is Worth Contemplating - a movie about yearning for a love that might not even be possible, or might kill us.
Unreserved Windfall Movie Recommendation - a movie that discusses class strictures in brilliant and intriguing way.
After Yang Deep Dive Explanation - a multifaceted, gorgeous deep dive on life, death, and the meaning therein. Let's figure this movie out.
Is Munich The Edge of War True and Is It Worth Watching?? Was Hitler's military on the verge of a coup? And what did Chamberlain know??
Explaining Why Zac Efron's Gold Is Brilliant - because this movie is a lot more under the hood than Zac Efron's pretty face.
C'mon C'mon You Gotta Watch C'mon C'mon - a gloriously shot film about the realness of life that cannot missed.
The Card Counter Movie's Weird Ending Explained - because, I don't know about you, but that absolutely did not make sense to me at first.
Why Licorice Pizza Is More Than The Sum Of Its Parts - because my love for this move really can't possibly be quantified.
Boiling Point One Shot Movie Recommendation - a movie, shot in one take, that might be about a restaurateur... or maybe something else?
Top 100 Movies of All Time WALL-E - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
Top 100 Movies of All Time WALL-E - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.