The Standoff at Sparrow Creek Movie Explained and Discussed - because this thing is in some serious need of discussion, because wow is it messed up.
One of my favorite low budget films is a little film entitled Infinity Chamber. The premise was simple, and it...
Always Shine is Your Next Closed Box Favorite - or how you really should watch more intense closed box movies that pit one character against another.
Let us Explain why the Favourite is a Sharp Shiv of a movie - or how this movie may be more about you than you are comfortable realizing it to be.
The Movie VerĂ³nica is the Best Kind of Mindjob - a perfect THiNC. movie of the truest form. An independent Spanish movie that'll have you on your toes from beginning to end.
Into the Forest is a Movingly Realistic Post Apocalyptic Force. If that doesn't sound intriguing? I promise it won't be. If that got your attention - you are in the right place.
Shall We Discuss The Impenetrable Holy Motors? Because wow. Holy Motors may be the most impossible to understand film ever.
Can We Discuss Why Galveston Will Break Your Heart? Because Galveston really will.
Let's Talk about the Movie The Guilty, because while only a micro budget film, it has big big ideas, and all of them are worth talking about.
Four Theories to Explain the Movie The Jacket - because this isn't your average, run of the mill mindjob. There is a lot going on here in this movie. Let's dissect it and pull it apart.
The Ending of Bad Times at the El Royale Explained - or how this crazy closed box movie might be the best purgatorial thriller you'll see this decade.
Ending explanation for the movie Take Shelter - because this movie's ending is definitely able to wreck your brain if you aren't careful.
The Movie Leave No Trace is an emotional trainwreck of a movie that really is different. Even after finishing, I'm still unsure what I watched. But it really made me think.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Walkthrough and Explanation - a moment by moment walkthrough of one of the greatest movies of all time.
Brick Movie Deconstruction - Brick is a complicated film noir movie with gumshoe roots that is incredibly difficult to unpack on your own.