The Movie Searching is Found Footage Done Right - or how the medium of the movie matters way less than the actual story!
Movies that we like to talk about here on THiNC skew generally in the Sci-Fi Mindjob direction. Movies like Crazy...
It’s really really rare that I watch an Ethan Hawke movie that I do not like. Really rare. And usually?...
Shall I Explain Why I Origins is Delightfully Complicated - or how complicated movies are the best kind of entertainment. Trust me on this.
Why the Movie Enter Nowhere Really Is Worth Your Time - or how this closed box movie once understood discusses important social issues like family...
The Secrets to Why the Movie Us and Them is a Microcosm of Life - or how this crazy rat race of a movie can possibly change your life for the better.
The Details You Missed in the Thoroughbreds Movie Explained - or how his American Psycho, Heathers, American Beauty, equivalent discusses ennui of being an American, a human, today.
Let Me Explain Why The Party Should Be On Your Watch List - or I am going to show you a black and white film, made in 2018, that will make you laugh, and cry simultaneously. And with such a clever ending you'll wonder how you missed it.
Four Theories to Explain The Phantom Thread - because this movie is possibly the least obvious movie you will see this year.
Someone Explain Aaron Sorkin's Molly's Game Movie to Me - because to me it was just a smidge confusing. Ok, good thanks for that.
Suburbicon Movie Primer and Explanation - or, what the heck did I just watch because that made zero sense to me whatsoever. Come join us and discuss it!
Let Me Explain Why Creep 2 is Another Win - Creep2 takes the idea in Creep1 and ratchets it all the way to eleven. Join us as we discuss this great movie.
Movie Comet Is An Experimental Talkie You Might Just Enjoy - it is a little stilted and clipped, but it is also transcendent and beautiful. It's a gorgeously complex story with all kinds of interesting insights and hidden gems.
Mark Duplass Movie Creep Is Fascinating Beginning to End hat really is a must see, fantastic experimental movie from the Duplass oeuvre.
Dark and Brooding Movie Suggestions in the Vein of Lady Macbeth - because I just can't get enough of Lady Macbeth right now.