Make the Ending of White Wall TV Series Make Sense - because I'm not a hundred percent that it actually does. I mean, does it?
We Need To Talk About the Ending of Burning - because the ending is really something. And I'm still wondering if I understood it.
Columbus Film Recommendation and Explanation - a perfect movie that transcends the chaos of life even though it's simultaneously mired in it.
Why Tehran Apple TV Series is Worth Your Time - because it is a fantastic balance of excitement and realistic international intrigue.
It’s so rare to find a good mindjob movie that zigs, zags, and inside-outs itself, on its way towards the...
Patreon His House Watch Party This Wednesday - come and join in on the fun. Make new friends. Win prizes!! (Ok, no prizes.)
The Movie Under the Shadow Ending Explained - it's a fascinating horror film set with an amazing backdrop in the middle of the Iran/Iraq war.
Why the Movie Piercing is so Broken - to be honest, I'm still not even sure what I just watched.
Netflix Movie His House Questions Answered - this film is crawling with metaphor, meaning, and purpose. But without digging, we can't know.
Movie Kajillionaire Ending Discussed and Explained - because this is a movie everyone needs to watch immediately. Man I loved this film.
Movie Shadow in the Clouds Recommendation - a fun little Indie film with a lot more going on in its head than just being a gremlin thriller.
Is There a Reasonable Big Bad Wolves Explanation?? There might be - but it might be a tricky one.
Possessor Mindjob Movie Unpacked and Discussed because this movie is begging for an explanation that makes sense.
Your New Favorite Time Traveler 2067 Explained - look, you make an Indie film this good and I will stand and applaud you. The hating on Indie film makers needs to chill.
Another Earth Movie Explanation and Discussion. Another movie by Brit Marling. Who might even be better than Shane Carruth. Check it out.