41 is Low Budget Time Travel Brilliance - sometimes you just have to ditch the acting, the special effects, the big budget cameras, and just make your film. And that is what Glenn Triggs has done here in this great little time traveling movie.
The Movie VerĂ³nica is the Best Kind of Mindjob - a perfect THiNC. movie of the truest form. An independent Spanish movie that'll have you on your toes from beginning to end.
Black Mirror Bandersnatch Full Walkthrough & Explanation - or how those choose your own adventure books in your attic might still be able to blow the skull cap off the back of your head.
The 2014 Movie Pig will have you Confused to the End - because Pig is a looping mindjob of a movie, intent on having you totally confused right up until the end.
Under Under the skin As We Try and Make Sense of it - and there are plenty of theories available to us in order to try and make sense of this mind job movie.
Four Theories to Explain the Movie The Jacket - because this isn't your average, run of the mill mindjob. There is a lot going on here in this movie. Let's dissect it and pull it apart.
The Ending of Bad Times at the El Royale Explained - or how this crazy closed box movie might be the best purgatorial thriller you'll see this decade.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Walkthrough and Explanation - a moment by moment walkthrough of one of the greatest movies of all time.
Netflix Maniac Series Complete Walkthrough - or how mindjobs are best when entirely played out in the mind.
The Movie Mandy's Beginning Middle and Ending Decoded - or how the key to understanding Mandy by understanding Jungian psychology.
Mindjob Movie Thelma Explained and Unpacked - or how you may not realize that Thelma might just be the scariest thing ever.
Two Theories to Explain The Sound of My Voice - or three, or four, or N. There are a million ways we could view this movie, but basically there are two.
Watch Mr. Nobody online at one of these prestigious online confectionaries: Powered by JustWatch I’ve watched this movie three times...
An Enemy Movie Review, Discussion and Maybe an Explanation. Ok. Deep breath. I love the movie Enemy. But, it is...
When I started focusing on movies, and talking to you about the technicolor brilliance available to us all, I only...