Possessor Mindjob Movie Unpacked and Discussed because this movie is begging for an explanation that makes sense.
Your New Favorite Time Traveler 2067 Explained - look, you make an Indie film this good and I will stand and applaud you. The hating on Indie film makers needs to chill.
Another Earth Movie Explanation and Discussion. Another movie by Brit Marling. Who might even be better than Shane Carruth. Check it out.
I never do this. Haven’t done it. As in, this is a first. I’m literally only half way done watching...
Latest Russian Movie Recommendation Coma Explained - a fun special effects orgy for the eyes. Definitely lacking in logic or coherence. Still a fun little ride.
Explaining How In Bruges is Literally Perfect - because this is a perfect morality play you won't have seen coming even after its over.
Archive Movie Recommendation and Ending Explanation - a really brilliant little closed box film with great special effects and an ever better right hook ending.
Why Volition is Your Next Mind Bender - join us as we unpack, discuss, and solve this mindjob time travel movie.
Netflix Dark Season 3 Walkthrough Explanation - wherein we attempt to slog our way through the ending of the world's greatest television show ever. Hyperbole? I think not. Join us!
The Definitive Netflix Dark Season 3 Family Tree has finally arrived. After hundreds of hours of creating, recreating, and re-re-creating - I think I've finally nailed it.
I do not know whether to meticulously, walk to my garage, pull out my gargantuan 25 foot ladder, place it...
10 Steps For Getting Ready for Dark Season 3 - because, heaven knows, that without some sort of serious workout routine, or a primer like this, you just won't be ready for Dark Season 3
Time Travel Film The Infinite Man Explained - A fantastic mindjoby instant classic time travel movie that can't be missed.
Explaining the ending of Black Mirror Smithereens - because it has about 9 layers of meanings within its taut ending...
Explaining the Wanting Mare Will Break Your Mind - because this might just be the Indie breakout of the year, if only it can get distributed.