Mortal is How You Do Superhero Movies - because superhero movies today are a dumpster fire of band screenplays and worse, they are overdone. Mortal changes all that.
Russian Movie Sputnik is Surprisingly Good - it had a decent script, with interesting characters. It wasn't over done, or bombastic. And the special effects were on point.
If there is a movie that is crying out for being deciphering, it's Amulet. Amulet Movie Ending Decoded and Explained.
THiNC. Bespoke Movie Recommendations - #1, wherein I customize a movie watch list to your specific wants and desires!
Shifter Movie Warning Discussion and Reinvisioning - because I just wasn't a fan of this movie. But it might have potential. Maybe we can reinvision it?
Gauging THiNC. Patreon Interest... by asking you, as politely as I possibly can, to take like a 5 question survey. Thanks in advance for not chucking your phone across the room.
She Dies Tomorrow Explained and Explored - because we really should take a critical look at our lives and ask what it's all about.
The Host Movie is Pure Horror Concentrate - and why you should invite your friends to watch it with you, like, you know, in a zoom meeting? Get it?
Volition Movie Interview with Tony Dean Smith. Or how maybe this was my secret chance to get my answers to the meaning of the movie Volition.
Archive Movie Recommendation and Ending Explanation - a really brilliant little closed box film with great special effects and an ever better right hook ending.
Why Volition is Your Next Mind Bender - join us as we unpack, discuss, and solve this mindjob time travel movie.
Peacock's Brave New World Compared w Original and Ending Explained - because I have to know what's in that golden box. TELL ME WHAT'S IN THE BOX!
Biblionomicron - II John - wherein we unpack 5 specific verses from first John
Confusing Ending of the Movie Relic Explained - because that ending is just beyond words confusing. So maddeningly wild, that ending.
Explain Who Was at the Ending of Netflix's The Old Guard - Because I have no idea who that woman was! Come on! Someone tell me!!! No worries, we'll help you out.