Peacock's Brave New World Compared w Original and Ending Explained - because I have to know what's in that golden box. TELL ME WHAT'S IN THE BOX!
Biblionomicron - II John - wherein we unpack 5 specific verses from first John
Confusing Ending of the Movie Relic Explained - because that ending is just beyond words confusing. So maddeningly wild, that ending.
Explain Who Was at the Ending of Netflix's The Old Guard - Because I have no idea who that woman was! Come on! Someone tell me!!! No worries, we'll help you out.
History Buff Movie Recommendation The Outpost - which is a great little film depicting Americans in Afghanistan with their backs up against the wall.
Hulu's Palm Springs is Time Travel Comedic Gold - but with an enormously poignant ending with a deeper story happening than most will even realize.
Netflix Dark Season 3 Walkthrough Explanation - wherein we attempt to slog our way through the ending of the world's greatest television show ever. Hyperbole? I think not. Join us!
The Definitive Netflix Dark Season 3 Family Tree has finally arrived. After hundreds of hours of creating, recreating, and re-re-creating - I think I've finally nailed it.
You Should Have Left Deconstructed and Explained - is a clever twist on the standard horror tropes. Possibly a little light on scares, and really light on resolution. But a fun ride all the same.
I do not know whether to meticulously, walk to my garage, pull out my gargantuan 25 foot ladder, place it...
The Bothersome Man Made Intelligible - if complicated sounds delicious to you - then this is the movie for you.
10 Steps For Getting Ready for Dark Season 3 - because, heaven knows, that without some sort of serious workout routine, or a primer like this, you just won't be ready for Dark Season 3
Time Travel Film The Infinite Man Explained - A fantastic mindjoby instant classic time travel movie that can't be missed.
Questions about the Movie Sleep Has Her House - is this something I should innately understand? Need your help groking this movie.
The Vast of Night Is Quarantine Goodness - because what we need right now is a whole lot more indie alien movies.