Movie Recommendation Walkthrough What Keeps You Alive - or how I fell down a postmodern philosophical after colliding with this movie...
Back in June, I had the great privilege to bring you an utterly fantastic movie that I totally adored. It...
One of the things that I talk about most here on the blog is how much I disdain it when...
Today’s write up will be different. Normally I tell you about the movie generally, in a non-spoiler way, show you...
Watch Mr. Nobody online at one of these prestigious online confectionaries: Powered by JustWatch I’ve watched this movie three times...
An Enemy Movie Review, Discussion and Maybe an Explanation. Ok. Deep breath. I love the movie Enemy. But, it is...
There are movies that are meant to entertain. I would say most movies fall into this category. But then, there...
When I started focusing on movies, and talking to you about the technicolor brilliance available to us all, I only...
Blitzkrieg Anti Matter Movie Walkthrough - what really makes up your soul, really? Practically. Actually?
Interview With Damon Russell of Snow On Tha Bluff and Cul-De-Sac
It’s really really rare that I watch an Ethan Hawke movie that I do not like. Really rare. And usually?...
Watch Alpha Gateway online: Powered by JustWatch So yeah! Let’s Count All the Parallel Worlds in Alpha Gateway – because...
Shall I Explain Why I Origins is Delightfully Complicated - or how complicated movies are the best kind of entertainment. Trust me on this.
Interview with Enter Nowhere Movie Scribe Jason Dolan, wherein I wonder why these super fantastic, creative types continue putting up with my crazy questions!
Infinity Chamber Is a Fantastic Closed Box Mindjob - wherein we regress deeper into the mind of a entrapped prisoner as he struggles to break free.