New FX Show Taboo Episode 6 Discussed and Explained - and all of the enormous things that we learn finally after making it past the half way point.
Ending of Movie Miss Sloane Discussed and Unpacked - or how we just got lucky enough to get a Sorkin clone to write Miss Sloane for us!
New FX Show Taboo Episode 5 Discussed and Explained - and all of the enormous things that we learn finally after making it past the half way point.
Help Me Build A New Mind Job Mind Bending Mind F%$& Movie List - or how you need to stop. Right now. STOP what you are doing and help me write a new post. What are the best mind job movies of all time? Come lend a hand!
Bible Experiment Acts, wherein we accidentally stumble across the meaning of life, the universe, and everything... and it's available to everyone. who knew?
New FX Show Taboo Episode 4 Discussed and Explained - or basically how I've fallen in love with yet another television show out of the blue. Tom Hardy is brilliant in this new television show.
Manchester By The Sea Explained - or how this movie made me reconsider what the meaning of grace really was. Or how to forgive myself for the stupidity and ignorance I've caused in my own past.
Split by M Night Shyamalan Discussed and Explained, or how this movie's twist ending is more twisty than you thought it was. Come discuss it with us.
Oscar Hopes and Predictions 2017 - wherein I show you just how cleverly biased my Oscar picks are and generally crash and burn. But boy is it a fun ride!
New FX Show Taboo Episode 2 Discussed and Explained - or basically how I've fallen in love with yet another television show out of the blue. Tom Hardy is brilliant in this new television show.
TV Show 3 Percent Episode 3 Explained and Discussed - you really should be watching a show made in Brazil even though you don't speak Portuguese. Promise.
The Discovery new movie on Netflix Just Won and it isn't even out yet. Can't even tell you how awesome this thing is going to be! Cannot wait.
TV Show 3 Percent Episode 2 Explained and Discussed - you really should be watching a show made in Brazil even though you don't speak Portuguese. Promise.
Ken Burns and Trent Reznor Partner on Vietnam Biopic - or how the to most perfect people in the entire world are working together and releasing an amazing project in September.
New FX Show Taboo Episode 2 Discussed and Explained - or basically how I've fallen in love with yet another television show out of the blue. Tom Hardy is brilliant in this new television show.