Norwegian Headhunters Movie Recommendation - like crazy twists turns and inside out headfakes? Then this Norwegian Headhunters movie might be the movie for you.
Korean Movie Parasite is a Picture in Class Warfare - but who knows which class in particular this movie is eviscerating?
The Secret In Their Eyes Movie Recommendation - because Philosophy 101 is totally running out of crazy scenarios to think about on their own.
The Ending of the Movie Little Joe Explained - because it could use a little explanation or two. Crazy.
Monos Movie of the Year 2019 Explained - Monos is one of the most heart wrenchingly difficult, yet exhilarating movies ever made. It really has to be seen to be believed.
Wherein I Accidentally Review Two War of the Worlds Shows - because I am an idiot. And can't keep two shows with the same name straight.
Explaining Why A Day is Movie Mindjob Madness - because this movie definitely needs to be unpacked, dissected, and explained. I am not 100% sure I still understand this one.
Korean Movie Parasite is a Picture in Class Warfare - but who knows which class in particular this movie is eviscerating?
20 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore The Operative Movie - or how much I hate click-baity titles like that one. But even so, you should still watch this movie because it is so brilliantly realistic.
Explaining Why The Wedding Guest is Actually Perfect - because, although this isn't your average, ordinary thriller, it had a lot going on for it up here...
Schneeflöckchens is My New Favorite Mindjob - you heard that right. Snowflake is that good of a movie and definitely one you need to watch now.
Japanese Movie Tag or Riaru Onigokko Unpacked - which is a 15th century traveling minstrel story, updated to the 21st century.
Time Travel Movie 41 Interview with Writer/Director Glenn Triggs - so stoked to get an opportunity to chat with Glenn about his movie 41 and some of the details about how he made it.
Elle Movie Open Conversation - and how I figured I'd follow up my crazy review for Midsommar with even more controversy. Post Feminism? Heck, why not?
Theories to Explain the Mindjob Movie Midsommar - which is the single scariest movie that has ever been made.