what is the definition of art?

what is the definition of art?
Argentinian artist Tomás Saraceno was an architect by training. But now Tomás now creates works of art out of spiderwebs. In order to develop the works, he placed several different kinds of spiders into plexiglas cases which he then allowed them to spin their webs. Then Tomás would regularly spin the cases in order to confuse the different breeds of spiders. By utilizing different types of spiders and confusing them regularly, Saraceno would “make” very unique smokey spider architectural wonders.

As you can see from the photos, the spider sculpture webs resemble smoke trapped in glistening glass cases. And to say they aren’t interesting would be a lie. But are they art. I can’t imagine that the pieces aren’t anything but the definition of temporary. In order to highlight the webs, they are displayed in darkened galleries. So yes. They are interesting. And they show the cleverness of inspects, spiders specifically. But is it art?

I’d argue no. And yet…