As Resolution proceeds, ominous artifacts and disturbing individuals alike disrupt the process of Chris' detox.

Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown – Resolution

As I explained – in this much too long post – I have decided to mine the depths of this site’s intellectual movie capital of crazy awesome movies and craft a top 25 movies list. Now, this movies list will be unlike any other movie list you’ve ever seen. Why? Because Quality and Unknownness will be equally weighted. And lucky for you, I built an algorithm to find and surface the crazy mindjobs that no one has heard of so that I can bring them to you in this top twenty five countdown. Right? So yes, the top 25 movie mindjob countdown – Resolution. Our list so far:

Have loved watching this list grow and grow as we find more and more movies that are below your radar… And here is the total list of every movie published so far.

Number 10 – Resolution

Look, I researched, and cultivated, and weeded this list like – to a perfection. Things didn’t just accidentally happen here. And over the past 15 weeks I’ve been releasing each one. I haven’t done anything with this much forethought and pre-planning…well, in my entire life really! hahaha. And yet, I have two Justin Benson movies here in the same list. Two. And better yet, they are semi-sequels of each other. (Can you do that? Have movies be sequels of each other? If you can, Benson has managed to do it.) And although Justin has said you don’t have to watch them together, the third and final film in this trilogy is almost ready for release.

And I’m sure the next time I post the top 25 unheard of mindjob movies, Synchronic will be on that list as well. But what is this particular movie about – Resolution? Buddy intervention flick what? Stop. Listen to me, this movie will rearrange your brain in a great way. I loved everything about this movie.

Michael – a guy who is soon to become a father – makes one last ditch attempt at saving his long-time friend from his addictions. Michael is certain that unless he gets serious about this next intervention, Chris is going to die. So much so, that Michael handcuffs Chris to the plumbing of his falling down house. And just like that, the detox has begun.

But, simultaneously, Michael starts to realize that something else is going on in this spot of the earth that he’s wandered into. And that is because the home where this detox is occurring is well within the land of an old Indian Reservation. And this reservation backwater has attracted a number of strange people, all with their own strange stories. And all while someone continues delivering the two friends recordings of this area, and this areas past…some of which show the two friends their future. And the buddies realize that they better do something quick in order to change their coming future.

This movie comes off like it was filmed with a home video camera. But the screenplay has a ton more going on within it than it wants to let on. It’s totally a mindjob of epic proportions. And after you finish watching this movie – you will seamlessly head over to The Endless, in order to continue this brilliant story. And then, after that, you are on your way to Synchronic!

Edited by: CY