House of Hammer is Next Level Darkness

House of Hammer is Next Level Darkness
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There is dark… and then there is pure evil. House of Hammer is next level darkness that you should consider twice before you jump in. The trigger warnings for this one should come with trigger warnings, it’s so off the rails. This documentary details Armie Hammer’s (Social Network) predilectory penchant for taboos and sexual deviance of numerous disconcerting types. Hell, the guy was into cannibalism?? Here, watch the trailer and tell me if I’m being ultra-reactionary here.

I think I’m half way through this limited series and can’t even tell you why this one is so eleven on the darkness scale. I guess, mainly because Armie Hammer is a gas-lighting manipulator of the darkest sort. But the scariest thing that this ultra-dark tell all reveals is that this particular apple doesn’t far fall from the Hammer tree. This three-part series talks through the various allegations levied at the men of the Hammer family…. and that tree also includes murder.

The documentary focuses on several women in particular that had various interactions with Armie while he was still married and living with his wife and kids. Courtney Vucekovich dated him for several months and she details his frequenting of Home Depot type stores in search of ropes. Basically Armie was into full-on, and complete, bodily control of another person. And Artist Julia Morrison details how while she never actually met him in person, her DM’s are littered with the insanity of a fetishist and full blown deviant.

I think many that are into true crime type documentaries will find this short series illuminating. Seems like, in the world of the rich and powerful, they seem to be going off the deep end. Just utterly driving off the cliff, trying to get away with whatever they can. But remember, this goes dark places, so if you have past trauma, or dark triggers, you might want to take a pass on this one. I, for one, wouldn’t blame you for passing on this one.

The three-part docuseries (now streaming) details the allegations of abuse and sexual assault against actor Armie Hammer, known for roles such as “The Social Network” and “Call Me by Your Name,” including an alleged rape currently under investigation by the Los Angeles police

Edited by: CY