Like I said, I have done a ton of my own stupid. I am not above these individuals on Ashley Madison. Not by a long shot. But I have slipped past the veil of lies that this society is telling us, and have seen the truth...
When I first started thinking about doing this exercise of walking through the entire Bible and writing at least a...
Who Am I is setup as an interview between Benjamin, who is apparently a hacker that has been caught by Europol investigator Hanne Lindberg. Or maybe Benjamin is running for his life from a Russian hacking group that has sussed out his identity and murdered the rest of his hacking crew? Or maybe Benjamin has other plans that we don't quite understand yet?
Everbright is a Lite Bright For Uber Geeks I dig etch-a-sketches. And Lite Brights for that matter. I even had...
Take the clean lines of schematics and add an element of the surreal and you have Strati's look. Many of his schematics?, designs?, works?, remind me of cathedrals, which adds even another layer to the works for me.
Mobius Strip Model Train Brilliance I have been watching this on repeat, constantly wondering one thing… How? If you know...
Oh, and there's a thousand bucks in it for you too. But really? Compared to being on the cover of Infinite Jest... does it even really compare? No, I didn't think so.
I have become death, destroyer of worlds. The following video is a compendium of every single nuclear detonation man has...
Tolkien Has a New Book Called The Story of Kullervo Coming Out
Miguel Marquez Public Projects Goodness
New Star Wars Trailer Just Gets Better And Better but is too much Star Wars a thing? Maybe...
The movie is setup in six distinctly different acts. But they are all tied together in their maliciousness. In that way, they are more like episodes from Dark Mirror, or maybe the Twilight Zone. But the only mind capable of pulling this off other than Damián Szifron's would be Quinten Tarantino.
70 Year Hiroshima Anniversary Today is the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. And to commemorate the anniversary, I...
This? Oh Just Video of the Moon Transiting the Earth Holy CRAP this video sequence of the mooon transiting in...
A couple weeks ago now I spoke about how I had posted something like 300 or more posts in a row… concurrently....