To think that maybe we geeks could actually be seen as valuable and accepted?! And this was way way back in the day before Geeks were cool. Nerds were definitely a lower caste system and at a remove from everyone else on the planet.
Jakub Geltner’s Flock of Surveillance Cameras Czechoslovakian artist Jakub Geltner looks like he is doing his best to become the...
Like a ship plowing through cosmic seas, runaway star Zeta Ophiuchi produces the arcing interstellar bow wave or bow shock seen in this stunning infrared portrait.
Anyway, this is the base-jump to end all base-jumps. You know why? Because if you go more extreme than this... you will die.
Photoshop Alchemy and Thrashed Image Restoration Everyone knows what Photoshop is. And everyone talks about Photoshop as if everyone has...
It's just maddeningly amazing that this piece exists and that it is shared between a father and a daughter makes me want to explode from the awesomeness of it.
I just finished interviewing something like 20 people over the past few days. And over and over and over again...
What is revolutionary about this approach from Google is that it follows similar rules laid out by their search engine - which is model based, not rule based. To be algorithmic as opposed to being explicitly directed.
Happy leap second day. Heheh. No, seriously. Today, as we approach midnight, all the atomic clocks will instead add one extra second into the mix. Which will look more like, 23:59:59, 23:59:60, 00:00:00.
Joseph Michael And His Gorgeous Glow Worms Joseph Michael has managed to find and capture the magical equivalent of summer...
As I have said before, the Bible is one long love letter directed entirely at you. If you walk through it from beginning to end you will see just how He has intervened in history from the beginning of time until now.
So apparently there is a new movie coming called Self/Less that has been languishing in Hollywood production hell for the last year or so. And at first blush, this movie looks amazing.
The idea from "Tuck me in" comes from a viral story that has been on the internet for years. A couple of years ago, a user of reddit rewrote it as a 2-sentence story and it went viral.
Wild Animals Roaming Wild There is a Vice article running right now talking about flooding in Tbilisi which has caused...
Ben has created an art installation that utilizes over 10,000 sticks of poplar wood and 3,000 match sticks to hold the pieces together. The piece was not pre-thought out or planned. It formed organically in the gallery and it was designed as Ben went.