My problems with Judges begin and end with a character named Jephtah. His story begins promisingly enough, in that he is the son of a prostitute. But eventually Jephtah's half brothers kicked him out of the family. And once out of the clan, Jephtah becomes something of a brawler, and becomes a leader of the leaderless, and the family-less.
Three completely underrated movies you should watch now Sometimes the court of public opinion just is wrong. I’m not talking...
The fire tornado is definitely going to be happening sometime soon. Or some pingpong balls flash fires. Or or or... these all look like tons of fun to try. That's for sure. The fire tornado is definitely going to be happening sometime soon. Or some pingpong balls flash fires. Or or or... these all look like tons of fun to try. That's for sure.
Don’t Believe His Lies Amazing Puzzle Game I love a good mind job. Complicated puzzles and complicated games that require...
Holy crap - there are some really amazing movie developers hiding under rocks and in desperate need of attention! This little movie is so rich with back story and latent ideas that I don't even know where to start. This movie was obviously pulled together by some really fantastic special effects mavens.
So what's the upshot? The upshot is that I have pulled all the nickles and dimes out of the couch that I could find in order to get the app funded with a reasonable starting position. The money is routing now and I expect to be trading in the next day or two. I'm sure I'll be complaining about my losses soon enough!
The episodes will begin shooting this summer, but it is unclear when Fox is planning to air them. Can't imagine they would be ready for the Fall season? But it could be with only six episodes getting filmed that they will push them to the fall? Makes sense to me anyway. But I wonder if fan reception will be such that they will sign on for more episodes?
The Bible Experiment Joshua - Last year I did a whole series of posts on the best books of the month. I had a theory that a chain of posts might actually create a synergistic reading effect and increase SEO, and also help focus my posts. Oh wow was I wrong. At the end of that year the readership was so blooming bad I quit doing the reviews, (but not before one of the authors I reviewed that month gave me the awww "buck up wally" speech. Its awesome.) and decided that I would pick an even less interesting topic and commit until I had finished the entirety of the series. And that was to read every book of the Bible and to write 1000 words about it. An Atheist had started doing it and it was actually a pretty interesting read. And I figured, heck, if an Atheist can do it, why can't I? Shouldn't I be able to?
These photos of this table would make for an amazing drawing or a fantastic painting. Add the Mad Hatter at one end and Alice at the other and wow, have you really got something here. But to realize that this is a physical table, that actually exists, in reality, somewhere... is just amazing to behold.
Do we under value the wealth we have been given? Are we too assumptive of the coins, the money, the amassed treasures we worship? Do I place anything higher than my own love for my God? My pleasure. My comfort? Is there anything that I wouldn't give up at the end of the day if push came to shove?
It is just phenomenal what kind of fear can be created simply by a black screen, and out of this world sound design. The mood of the game goes from, huh, I wonder where the door is. To, um, what was that? Very quickly and it only ramps up from there. And then the next thing you know you are blindly running into the darkness to get away.
New Interstellar Text Twine Game Yesterday I finally got off my butt and published my long overdue Interstellar movie review....
Oh I know there are weaknesses in this theory. But when you point them out, my answer is invariably going to be, explain to me your theory, and how it has fewer gaping holes in it than mine? Hahah. No, seriously, I've been struggling with this damn movie since I first walked out of the theater. Normally I crank a movie review the night after I see it. But this one wasn't like that at all. I struggled and struggled and struggled with it until I decided my first thought in the movie theater was all that was left.
I know a bit about building a treehouse. After working with my father-in-law to build an over 200 square foot double decker beauty I could say that I probably deserve to be certified by treehouse school of design even. But these newDom’Up "treehouses" from architect Nicolas d'Ursel are in a class beyond anything I would even consider attempting myself.
Now that your mind is blown... give. Might I suggest a sponsorship with a fantastic organization like Compassion International? My family and I sponsor 4... and wish we could sponsor more. And with Compassion, you could even go and visit your sponsored child if you wanted. Talk about a change of perspective. It will blow your mind to see where some of these kids live.