Americans Don't Get the World Cup - Americans just don't get what being fanatical about a sport even looks like. No. We just don't. When I moved to England for a bit I experienced a whole lot of amazingness that I just didn't have context for coming from America. Zero.
For example, watching the winter Olympics with students from fifty different nations? The Brits were calling the French, Frogs and the Norwegians were calling the Brits pacifists, and the Brits were calling the Norwegians Whale Killers... it got intense up in there real fast. I remember walking out to go get something to eat with an ex-member of the IRA after watching some Olympics. And we were joined by a member of the police that hunt the IRA. Seriously. And they both had me check under the car for bombs. HAHAH. What does one look for when looking under a car for bombs? Needless to say after I checked, they both checked.
OK Go Mind Blowing Music Video - This music video by Ok Go is fantastic. The band spent three weeks setting up the illusions and then they took over 50 takes to get it right. Its a single 4 minute cut and there are dozens and dozens of optical illusions queued one right after the other as the band members continue singing along as the illusions continue to land.
Escape Velocity Reading with Spritz So I was recently chatting with my father-in-law about the number of books he reads...
2 Years of Lunch Bag Drawings -
Your Life in Weeks - So a month or so ago I tripped across a fantastic post over at waitbutwhy, about an exercise that I really liked. Here's the quick and dirty explanation. Create a drawing with a box on it. That box represents a week. Now, multiply that box 52 weeks for all the weeks in a year. After you have done that, duplicate the row of 52 boxes 90 times and now you have a long life detailed in weeks. Over at Waitbutwhy they then began playing with the blocks in different ways and showing various types of data. My favorite view was their view of a life in averages.
Family Circus Meets Nietzsche - But some things are just extraordinary together. Like um, Bacon and - well... anything really. Seriously though, I just saw a site that takes random Family Circus comic images and combines them with random quotes from Nietzsche. Which I think is so mind-breakingly brilliant I have no words. If you'd like to experience them yourself feel free to trip over to Nietzsche Family Circus. I have posted three random choices below. I continue to smack the refresh button though on the site in hopes of finding ANYTHING AT ALL about the ubermesch. I mean, if I find one... I will be blowing it up wall sized and posting it in my office!
When Robbed What Would You Do?
What Would You Levitate If You Could? This so isn't a theoretical question. What would you levitate if you could? By the way, you can only levitate 20 pounds. Still, that would be an amazingly cool super power. You wouldn't have the chops to take on Superman or anything, but you'd be the toast of the yearly neighborhood party all the same. I mean, LEVITATION! That is awesome. Regardless, here is a literal product to let you do exactly that... levitate a full twenty pounds of anything. Epic cool.
Super Slow Motion Lightning Hotness - This is fascinating. I could watch this video for hours. I'm actually stuck in a loop as the lightning tip toes across my screen! hahah. Alright. I'm done here. You can continue about your day.
You Shall Know Our Velocity Eggers and Radcliffe -
Now the bigger question is, will Radcliffe pull this thing off, or will he wash out? But lately Radcliffe has taken it upon himself to become the literary go to within Hollywood. Obviously Radcliffe played the Mr. Potter in one of the biggest selling book movie productions of all time. What you may not know is that he also played starring roles in the 2007 "December Boys," based on an Australian book, a 2012 British horror movie based on the novel "The Woman in Black," and last year's "Kill Your Darlings," in which he starred as poet Allen Ginsberg. Next year, Radcliffe will play Igor in a new version of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein." So hopefully he has learned enough to carry this movie.
The Edge of Tomorrow (Live Die Repeat) Time Travel and Ending Explained - the concept is simple, but in practice it is truly complex. The Edge of Tomorrow is a time travel nightmare of nests and perpetual loops that cause one's head to explode if you think about it too long. Join us as we untangle the Tom Cruise's latest blockbuster movie and we explain the definitive unraveling of this fantastic movie.
Go Pro Briliance and a Dishwasher - This is a GoPro video - of the INSIDE of a dishwasher. Yeah, remember when you tried to figure out if the light stayed on inside the refrigerator? Yeah, that's this video for the dishwasher. A game changer. Hehehe. This could be the greatest thing I've ever blogged. I love it.
Prize Giveaway and Funny Delete Your Facebook Video - if you are interested in a Starbucks Gift Card... I will give it to the first person that identifies the profile name of my bogus Facebook account. Simple enough? Find my account and I will mail it to you post haste. Seriously. Just post the name in the comments (which I will then RAPIDLY delete, thank you very much!) hahaha. And off I go to the US Postal Office. (Can't I just buy an online number and email the number?!? Wouldn't that be more efficient?! Sorry, just thinking outloud.)
NASA Shuttle Challenger Documentary - I will never forget where I was when I saw the launch. I could walk you to the room in my Middle School and point to where I was seated. Everyone who saw it live will never forget seeing the shuttle break apart just over a minute later. The result of that explosion was the killing of seven astronauts, including the first “teacher in space” – Christa McAuliffe. This 20 minute documentary revisits the tragic event – and the 2003 Columbia disaster — through interviews with key participants, and explores the forces that lead groups within large organizations to make dreadfully wrong decisions.
Tori Amos Madonna Frozen Cover Oh and Cloverfield - Tori Amos performed in Amsterdam, Concertgebouw. And apparently she has been taking a break from her own stuff each night to cover other artists during the show. In Amsterdam she chose to hit Madonna's sweet song, Frozen. No not Disney's Frozen... which would be epic for DIFFERENT reasons. Anyway very nice little cover here. Love it. But pretty much anything Tori does is amazing in my opinion.