Eggers Wallace Rift and Restoration? Eggers initially wrote a flaming critique of David Foster Wallace's novel Infinite Jest. Ten years later he was given the foreword to the anniversary edition of the novel. The two different perspectives on the novel are conspicuously different. Here they are together in the same place for the first time.
Human Book Recommendation So Not 1984 - So I recently stumbled across a Tumblr that I just had to share with you all. The Tumblr is called Go Book Yourself. Created by Anna James, Daniel Dalton, and Rob Goodswen, the Tumblr gives recommendations based on books you already love from a variety of genres. The concept is so retro that its fashion forward. Basically its a human recommending books. Woah. But just to give this simple concept context let's take a peek at some of the algorithm driven recommendations out there that I have done more than my fair share of playing.
Linklater's Game Changing Movie Boyhood - When Linklater went looking for his acting talent he made everyone agree to meet once a summer for twelve years in advance. To my knowledge nothing like this has ever been done before. The commitment necessary to pull this movie off was outstanding. And yet, it is still basically an unknown movie. I highly doubt that it will be an enormous hit in the theaters even though it should be.
10 Amazing Podcasts To InBetter Your Life - My love for podcasts is so deeply engrained that when we move houses this summer I will go from a 15 minute commute to a 3 minute commute. And I have literal angst about when and where I will come up with the time to listen to my bevy of podcasts that stack up as it is. Podcasts have to be savored and enjoyed. I can't work and listen to podcasts. That just doesn't work - I know because I've tried. And it seems weird to sit in one's house and just listen to a podcast like its 1952 and you are sitting around the AM radio and sipping one's coffee. But maybe that's the solution. BAH!
An anamorphic drawing is on that uses forced perspective to distort the image when viewed straight on, in order to give the sense of a full three dimensional quality. To help make this make sense - have you ever created a doodle with your head on the table? It looks good, or maybe not good - but what you expect anyway, from the vantage of your head on the table. But then when you pick your head up? Its all kinds of distorted. Similarly, an anamorphic drawing is usually one that is created from a low, or side angle to the drawing in order to accentuate and give weight to the areas of the drawing elevated above the page. Here is a progression of drawings I did in this theme out on instagram.
Zaria Forman's Paintings Just Blew Your Mind
Not sure what it is that so attracts me to Zaria Froman's paintings. I mean besides the fact that they are amazing technical achievements. And besides the fact that water and ice are some of the most difficult things to draw and paint in the known universe. They remind Samantha Keely Smith's abstract ocean scapes which I discussed just a week or two ago. But where Samantha Smith ran the emotively dark path to water Zaria Forman takes a more literal approach. A hyperrealist perspective. What is most amazing is that she paints with her fingers. Which is clever. At the size of these paintings and the detail needed it makes sense. But to these results? Amazing.
Oh my gosh. I laughed and laughed and laughed when I saw this originally. First, let me tell you that my birthday is coming. This is important information. Why? Because I so want one of these, and this would be a fantastic gift. Really. I mean, most friends, hem-and-haw and say, "No really its ok... you don't need to honor my birthday in any way, whatsoever. I'm really just pond scum..." You know that particular drill. But that is not what I'm doing for you. I am coming right out and saying this. THIS. THIS is exactly what I want. And if 12 of you buy one for me, ALL THE BETTER. Apparently they even have kits that let you motorize them - and then chain them together?!? YES PLEASE! hahaha.
New Nolan Interstellar Trailer - Christopher Nolan is working on a new film. I first mentioned it a couple months ago - but the previous trailer couldn't even be considered anything but a pile of inspirational shots and then a trail of smoke leading out into the heavens. Now Nolan has release an actual trailer that has turned the interwebs into a roiling, frothing chaos of speculation and excitement. Some are saying Nolan said nothing in this trailer. Some are saying its the greatest trailer of the year.
Looking for a smile today? I smiled for 20 minutes straight while watching this video of Willie Mays and Mickey Mantle performing for this one on one homerun derby competition. I loved everything about this video. The kindness of the contestants. The golly-gee-wiz attitude of the announcer. The "Recorded with MULTIPLE CAMERAS" comment at the end. Pretty much everything about this little competition was golden through and through. I think my life is now a substantially better thing after watching this flash back to a better era.
Gentlemen of Letters Documentary Letter forms. Signage. Graphic Designer. Structures. Formation. Hand painted. Human quality. Subconsciously drawn. Letter types. Manually...
Alternate Gravity Ending Goodness - You are all summarily fired as my friends. All of you - the whole of the interwebs. Why am I only finding out about this awesome alternate gravity ending goodness now? I mean, really? You all had so many opportunities to share with me before now, but NOOOOO. I see how it is. Thanks a lot. And so, duh, yer fired.
Oceanscape Abstract Art by Samantha Keely Smith - Its rare that you find someone that can haunt you with a can of paint, shellac and an ominously dark vantage of the world. But Samantha Keely Smith can. What is sad is that these large photos just don't give the artist her due. You really need to trip on over to and zoom in on these scary paintings to feel the whole heft and weight of these paintings. Samantha apparently doesn't draw from reality, but solely from her imagination. Which is impressive... because these paintings? Yeah they are intense. Samantha must have a crazy intense mind is all I know.
About time for clever movie writing
Audrey Hepburn Google Tribute
The Bible Experiment Deuteronomy