Movie Midnight Special Explained and Reviewed - wherein we discuss one of the best movie of the year and walk through a theory or two about what it's about.
A Random Song of the Day Storm Mashur Remix by Mashur and Sharxpowa It got real today. And when it...
Henrietta Harris and Her Marvelous Faceless Portraits cause me to realize just how jealous I can be of some people. Sure, this isn't exactly a Godly quality of mine... deal with it. I'd love to be an artist! hahaha.
Café Society Looks Heart Stoppingly Good, so good, that I am now conspiring to get to Cannes to see this gem as early as physically possible, any takers?
Shakespearian Insults in Honor of the 400th Anniversary of His Death - I've chosen to regale you with a menagerie of insults to spice up your vocabulary. What better way to celebrate the bard than to take some of his lesser known insults and list them out here for your own betterment hundreds of years later?!
Yuri Shwedoff Posts A Process Video For White Castle which is one of the greatest works of art ever. Well, for me anyway. I adore it. You can take a flying leap! haha.
Why Slitherio Is So Addictive And We Need To All Become Farmers - no really. done. finished. walk away from your computer now!
Goodbye Prince - Prince Cover of Radiohead's Creep, a repost from a couple months ago... but with Prince's death today, I figure it's a good day to revisit.
Alex Garland of Ex Machina Tackling Annihilation with Natalie Portman will be possibly one of the most difficult movies to ever be brought to film. But dang, if Garland can pull it off, what a feat it will be.
A Murmuration As Art Installation
New Short Film Parable RISE Is Beyond Amazing because it shows us what we really think about God. It shows just how much we hate being beholden to anyone.
Vintage Godzilla Encounters and Prints, or watch as I schlep my latest prints your direction. Yes, I know... it's a shameless self satisfying plug. Deal. With. It. They are cool as.
Amazing Architectural Carvings by Matt Simmons - fantastic internal carvings of glorious building triumphs, straight out of the heart of stone.
occupation creepiness statistics
Inside Out Thinking or How I Got Lost In Asia - or, more specifically, on realizing when your extensive knowledge is just a drop in the bucket.