Netflix Movie The Platform Dissected and Explained - one of the craziest, and insane movies of all time. And it really is possible to figure out.
Nomis Night Hunter Movie Confusions Untangled - because during our collective Quarantine, we need movies to watch, and pronto.
The Cultural Relevance of The Invisible Man - because, believe it or not, this movie is a perfect metaphor for what is happening to women daily in this society.
Norwegian Headhunters Movie Recommendation - like crazy twists turns and inside out headfakes? Then this Norwegian Headhunters movie might be the movie for you.
The Authoritative 12 Monkeys Timeline Explanation - because while it might seem like you have 12 Monkeys figured out, you probably actually don't. I know I didn't.
Ethical Movie Review: 'Before the Devil Knows You're Dead' - or, how to quickly fail your philosophy of ethics 101 course
Explaining Come to Daddy and that Crazy Ending - because this movie is actually an Oedipal mythical car crash. It's brilliant.
The Gentlemen Film Recommendation Explained - I know you probably won't see this in the theater, but you rae really going to miss out if you don't.
Indie Movie Code8 Recommendation - because we have to all pour love on the Indie film makers or else, we get Iron Man 83, and we'll deserve it.
Explaining Why Funny Games is Only Meta Hilarious - this movie is not what this movie seems to be about. There is a lot more going on here.
The Problem with the WWI Movie 1917 Explained - because although its a glorious movie and one of my favorites of the year - it is complicated.
Monos Movie of the Year 2019 Explained - Monos is one of the most heart wrenchingly difficult, yet exhilarating movies ever made. It really has to be seen to be believed.
A Totally Biased Rise of Skywalker Think Piece - because the shade that is being thrown at Skywalker right now is unbelievable, and undeserved.
What the Heck is the Movie Ready Or Not All About??
The Irishman Moral Movie Greatness Explained - because something happened in this movie that made this quite possibly the best movie of the year.