Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - The One I Love
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - The Exam
The Movie Free Solo is the Scariest Thriller Ever
JT LeRoy and the Heart's Various Deceitfulnesses - or how we are all complicit in this tragic autobiographical car crash.
Ashes in the Snow is Our Next Favorite History Lesson because it opens our eyes to a rarely discussed systematic tragedy.
The Brilliant Movie Moon Unpacked and Discussed - because it could be the most brilliant polemic against human working conditions ever.
Let's Talk About The Utterly Baffling Movie High Life
One of my favorite low budget films is a little film entitled Infinity Chamber. The premise was simple, and it...
The Wind Movie Recommendation and Explanation - a scary closed box thriller that keeps you guessing from the first minute.
Blood Punch is Deliciously Bloody Groundhog Brilliance that takes a few repeats to figure out what is going on. For us and them too.
Complete The OA Season 2 Walkthrough and Explanation - because this is one of the biggest mindjob TV shows ever invented. Guaranteed.
Netflix Movie Mirage Mindjob Madness Explained - or how this Spanish film is so perfectly executed as to make your head spin...
Combat Obscura is a Scatter Shot Nightmare - movie recommendation
Sometimes we trip into movies that catch you completely off guard. Braid was definitely one of those movies. It was...
The Movie Extracted is Mindjob Low Budget Brilliance - or how Extracted is an enjoyable cerebral mindjob of a who-done-it movie