Netflix Movie Mirage Mindjob Madness Explained - or how this Spanish film is so perfectly executed as to make your head spin...
The Ending of Jordan Peele's US Thoroughly Explained - because, truth be told, I'm not even sure I understood it fully.
Sometimes we trip into movies that catch you completely off guard. Braid was definitely one of those movies. It was...
The Movie Extracted is Mindjob Low Budget Brilliance - or how Extracted is an enjoyable cerebral mindjob of a who-done-it movie
2006 Movie Unknown Will Keep You Guessing - because even after the movie ends, we still aren't sure exactly what happened. Definitely worth your time to check this one out.
Explaining Zero Theorem Gilliam's Meaningless Madness - which isn't meaningless at all, but encourages us to drink deeply from the decanter of life.
Thirteenth Floor is Totally Overlooked Brilliant Mindjobbery, basically a brilliant VR noir film with cutting edge sci-fi details that still work today.
Why Reset Is an Interesting Chinese Mindjob movie that has positioned itself perfectly for an American remake. But I'm not 100% certain it's worth our time. You tell me.
Ending of eXistenZ Mindjob Extraordinaire Explained - because this is without a doubt one of the craziest cinema experiments ever crafted.
Explain Why Russian Doll is Worth Our Time - or possibly, we could just debate about what the heck just happened in this fantastic Netflix Christmas special!
Mind Job Looper Seven in Heaven Explained - or how can we figure out what this movie is all about, because I'm a little unclear what I just watched.
Insane McConaughey and Hathaway Movie Serenity Explained - because someone has to unpack this inside out movie, it's not going to unpack itself dangit.
Someone Needs to Explain the Movie Antiviral Because Wow Is This Movie Really Crazy Kind of Mindjobness of a Special Variety!
OK, first, I have to stop you for a second, and tell you something. This movie, and its original novel,...
Interview with Birdbox Screenplay Scribe Eric Heisserer - wherein I try my darnedest not to fanboy too much, and fail miserably.