THiNC. Movie Spotlight 116 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
The Importance of Storytelling in Teaching History
The 15 Best Show Title Music of All Time
Guy Ritchie's The Covenant Recommendation - a horrible saccharine sweet movie with an amazingly important message for Americans.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 115 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Succession Season 1 Walkthrough and Discussion - a show so horribly good, that it will spoil you for anything else.
General Warning Against Mafia Mamma - a movie so bad, it won't even make it to the Razzies. Just please, trust me on this one.
Top 100 Movies Thelma & Louise - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 114 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Episodic Walkthrough of Netflix's Brilliant Show The Diplomat - a clever show that will make you think 100% for sure.
Godland Movie Walkthrough and Discussion - a movie so dense with potential meaning as to make it nearly impossible to decipher.
Top 100 Movies Thelma & Louise - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 113 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
I’ve been doing this THiNC. thing for going on 15 years I think. At first it was just a reaction...
The Bear on Hulu Deep Dive Walkthrough Explanation - a show so violently good as to rearrange your frontal lobe physically.