3 Theories to Explain The Strange Ones Movie - or how a confusing jumble of scenes can amount to an abattoir. A cattle shoot of determinism heading our hero down the shoot to his destruction.
The Crucible meets Mean Girls in this new movie Blame. Which is a more sophisticated vantage on The Salem Witch Trials than I thought was possible set in a modern high school. And Quinn Shephard has single handedly pulled this film across the finish line.
Comedies Aren't My Thing But Game Night Is - and why you should give this comedy a chance.
The 30 Reasons that make Midnighters Your New Favorite Flick - or how some of the most low budget, and movies with the smallest ambitions are the ones that are the most interesting in every way.
Spectral Movie Is the Greatest Special Effect Demo Reel Ever - sure, it was a fun little movie abandoned to Netflix by Universal featuring a crazy different story. But really? All it was, was a showcase for WETA and what they can do.
Handicapping the 2018 Oscars - or the one time in the year I bloviate into a blog posting without considering even for a second what you'll want to hear. hahah. I literally just spent 2000 words yelling at my blog. I wouldn't recommend reading it. hahaha.
Let Me Explain Why The Party Should Be On Your Watch List - or I am going to show you a black and white film, made in 2018, that will make you laugh, and cry simultaneously. And with such a clever ending you'll wonder how you missed it.
Movie Annihilation Deconstructed Discussed and Explained - a detailed walkthrough of the books, the movie, that mind blowing ending, the works. What do you think it means?
Why Hostiles Might Be The Best Western Ever - or how I learned a lot about history, but more about our own responsibility to the past through this fantastic movie.
5 Theories to Explain the Movie The Ritual - because one theory isn't going to contain this crazy movie. You have seen it right? Because you need to put your big boy pants on and see it. Like now.
Four Theories to Explain The Phantom Thread - because this movie is possibly the least obvious movie you will see this year.
Can You Explain This Cloverfield Paradox Thing? Because Cloverfield, 10 Cloverfield, and Cloverfield Paradox cannot be from the same universe can they be?
Someone Explain Aaron Sorkin's Molly's Game Movie to Me - because to me it was just a smidge confusing. Ok, good thanks for that.
AlphaGo and the Next Movie on your Watchlist - or how if you aren't afraid of AI yet, you should be... you should be. (yes, that was a Yoda reference...)
I'll Explain Why the Movie Mom and Dad is a Great Conversation PieceĀ - and why we really do need to talk about all this pent up angst percolating through our society.