This is my definitive must see documentary list. It contains all the "Must See" movies of the past 10 years. Definitely a worthwhile list to check out.
Update – Congratulations to Disney and their Oscar for Paperman. It definitely was well deserved! As a side note I...
J J Abrams has been selected as the new director for Star Wars episode 7 now that Disney has purchased Lucas Films.
This week we are quantifying the unquantifiable... the greatest movies of the 80's. Come watch me fail completely.
Shane Carruth is going to be at the Sundance Film Festival... heck ya!
Downton Abbey Explained & Infographics - a discussion about the ins and outs of Downton Abbey including infographics, family trees, the works.
A Primer Movie Primer - a discussion of one of the greatest movies of all time, Primer. Theories, diagrams and investigations. A Primer Movie Primer.
Dark Knight Rises Trilogy Review discussion. Join us as we review the entire Batman trilogy from beginning to end.
Top 10 Best Guy Movies of the last decade. Interested in getting together with the guys to watch explosions, bullets and chaos? This list is for you.
The Top 10 Best Dialogue Movies of all time. Join in on the conversation and see if yours passes muster for the Top 10 Best Dialogue Movies of all time.
Looking for a movie to mess with your mind? Join us as we detail out the top 5 Best Mind Bending Movies of all time. These are amazing films!
To help us understand Inception better, I have listed out a list of inception quotes. These quotes give us insight into how Inception really works.
Join us as we tackle 10 Inception Questions. What is Limbo? How do the dream rules work? Who dreamed each layer? And a pile more.
Join us for an Inception Totems Explanation - each totem is unique and as different as the character - but what is Cobb's totem?!? Come find out.
Memento Explained is an attempt at deconstructing one of the greatest movies ever. Nolan's masterpiece, Memento is confusing but can be explained.