Looking for alternate reality television shows that explore important issues? Well - The World of HBO's Watchmen Recommendation should blow your mind then.
Netflix's In the shadow of the Moon Recommendation - and its loopy madness might be the movie hit that you need right now.
Why Most People Don't Understand Ad Astra - and how we can know what it is that this solar traveler is actually saying...
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Trance - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Resolution- and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Uncanny - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
What Are Your Thoughts on Love Death and Robots - because mine are all over the map. Some of the best animation I've ever seen - but also violently sexual at times.
Are You Still Confused By I Am Mother? - because there is more philosophy in this movie that needs to be understood than a 301 course.
Innovative Indie Movie Prospect is Totally Worth Your Time - and it may just be the second coming of the original Star Wars.
The Brilliant Movie Moon Unpacked and Discussed - because it could be the most brilliant polemic against human working conditions ever.
Explaining Why Captive State is the Perfect Movie - and while we are at it, maybe I should explain that ending too, because dang was that confusing!
Explaining Zero Theorem Gilliam's Meaningless Madness - which isn't meaningless at all, but encourages us to drink deeply from the decanter of life.
Ending of eXistenZ Mindjob Extraordinaire Explained - because this is without a doubt one of the craziest cinema experiments ever crafted.
Mind Job Looper Seven in Heaven Explained - or how can we figure out what this movie is all about, because I'm a little unclear what I just watched.
Keanu Reeves Replicas is an Interesting Mindbender - but could possibly collapse under the weight of its own structural detritus.