Series The Head Recommendation Walkthrough - a murder mystery set in the arctic that will leave you guessing until the very end.
Inside Llewyn Davis Is Impossible To Comprehend - and it requires a really light touch to tease this Coen Brothers movie apart.
Wander Darkly Movie Recommendation and Explanation - a movie about grief and loss and valuing the people in our lives that matter to us.
Interview with Active Shooter Screenplay Author Toby Osborne - which is a really fun little closed box movie you should definitely check out.
Active Shooter Closed Box Recommendation - a low budget clever little film that is totally worth your time and attention.
The Swerve Movie Ending Explained - an über realistic Greek tragedy of a film that will rearrange you if you let it.
The Machinist: Plot Analysis And Ending Explained - or how excited I am to have Barry from ThisisBarry bring this one to you guys!
Promising Young Woman a Societal Revenge Flick Explained - wherein we watch as one woman tries to change society by herself.
Speed Run Pixar Soul Movie Discussion - because it really is worth a discussion... it is the least kid's movie kid's movie ever made.
Nocturne on Amazon Dissected Unpacked and Explained - or how music isn't for the weaker of us, but rather only the most cut throat apparently
Movie Recommendation Mosul on Netflix - a story of Iraqi fighters lost in a quagmire of blood and chaos, struggling to find their way home.
Parallel Movie Ending Discussed, and Explained - a messy multiverse portal film that gets itself coming and going, simultaneously
Taxi Driver Watch Along Video Party - because Covid season is lonely, and we know everyone could use a virtual friend every now and again.
What the hell was that Black Bear Ending - because woah. That is some kind of wonderful right there. But what does it mean??
Looking For Your Assistance - Panel Discussions - would you be interested in occassionally participating in a movie panel talking head group?