The Definitive Tenet Timeline Infographic - the one definitive TENET infographic timeline map on the interwebs. Check this one first.
Tenet Movie Walkthrough for Patreon Subscribers - a detailed dive of Nolan's latest mindjob. Because yeah, this movie needs a primer.
Counterpart Watch Party Tomorrow 10/16
Possessor Mindjob Movie Unpacked and Discussed because this movie is begging for an explanation that makes sense.
Red Lights Movie Shocking Ending Explained - because this is a marvelous movie that needs to be grappled with.
Lovecraft Country Show Recommendation - a show of its time, and transcending its time. It will definitely make you think.
Your New Favorite Time Traveler 2067 Explained - look, you make an Indie film this good and I will stand and applaud you. The hating on Indie film makers needs to chill.
Another Earth Movie Explanation and Discussion. Another movie by Brit Marling. Who might even be better than Shane Carruth. Check it out.
Austrian Movie Goodnight Mommy Recommendation - a crazy dark movie about what happens when society begins to eat its own.
I'll Be Gone in the Dark Recommendation - because the search and hunt to root out evil is really really addictive.
THiNC. Bespoke Movie Recommendations – #3 - wherein I try and figure out a movie recommendation for a movie addict. Wish me luck.
The Devil All the Time Movie Explained - and seeing as though it is one of the most violent films I've seen in a while, it's surprising it's also one of the most just.
9 Crazy Theories to Explain the Movie Borgman - because Borgman might be one of the craziest movies I've reviewed in years.
Class Action Park Is a Metaphor for Our Childhoods. Come on – who doesn’t want to take part in a...
Are You Watching Raised By Wolves? I’ve had a crush on Ridley Scott since Legend. I went backwards from there...