Paradise Hills Movie is Worth Investigating - or how Milla is ALWAYS worth betting on.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Infinity Chamber - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Korean Movie Parasite is a Picture in Class Warfare - but who knows which class in particular this movie is eviscerating?
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Unsane - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
A Detailed Walkthrough of the Movie Dark Song - or how this hyperrealistic movie about invoking spiritual revenge was more intense, than any fake horror movie I've ever seen.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Trance - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Resolution- and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
20 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore The Operative Movie - or how much I hate click-baity titles like that one. But even so, you should still watch this movie because it is so brilliantly realistic.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Uncanny - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Night Moves is Realistic Eco-Terrorism Explained
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - The Jacket - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Explaining Why The Wedding Guest is Actually Perfect - because, although this isn't your average, ordinary thriller, it had a lot going on for it up here...
Explaining Blue Ruin and How it is Indie Brilliance - because no other film maker is bringing movies as exciting as Jeremy Saulnier is right now.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Frequencies - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Random Thoughts On The Movie A Most Violent Year - or how is it that this was such a nail biter when absolutely nothing happens?