The Revenant is the best film of 2015. Nothing comes close to the physical brilliance and mastery of Iñárritu. Nothing. It is an amazing film. Join us as we discuss the ins and outs of this masterful film.
Containment is a low budget wonder. The answers to this movie's questions are held very tightly to the vest. And the conflict and chaos quickly ramp up on these poor locked up group. I definitely enjoyed the ride here. IMDB
Sicario is a downward spiral of a movie that investigates the underbelly of the US/Mexico modern drug wars... and it will leave its mark on you.
Z for Zachariah Explained and Reviewed - I adored this movie. And yet, I doubt many will like it. Three people movies are never really well received. They are too play-like for the American public.
Who Am I is setup as an interview between Benjamin, who is apparently a hacker that has been caught by Europol investigator Hanne Lindberg. Or maybe Benjamin is running for his life from a Russian hacking group that has sussed out his identity and murdered the rest of his hacking crew? Or maybe Benjamin has other plans that we don't quite understand yet?
Movie Coherence Explained and Interview With Director James Ward Byrkit. Coherence is up there with Primer as to of the...
Ex Machina Explained and Reviewed - wherein I blow your mind w/ a fantastic movie for your evening enjoyment. We have Robots. We have Dancing. We have love!
Time Lapse is basically a very simple conceit. It's a conceit wherein they stumble upon a machine that takes photos into the future. And just as expected, all hell breaks loose.
Safety Not Guaranteed And My New Bromance I have long loved independent theater. (Theatre?) What have you. Low budget, clever...
A Complete Clouds of Sils Maria Explanation and Walkthrough. Quite possibly one of the greatest mindjob flicks I've watched in the past 10 years. What is happening here? Let's talk about it.
Oh I know there are weaknesses in this theory. But when you point them out, my answer is invariably going to be, explain to me your theory, and how it has fewer gaping holes in it than mine? Hahah. No, seriously, I've been struggling with this damn movie since I first walked out of the theater. Normally I crank a movie review the night after I see it. But this one wasn't like that at all. I struggled and struggled and struggled with it until I decided my first thought in the movie theater was all that was left.
When I first watched TimeCrimes, I was struggling to understand if the TimeCrimes time travel system was deterministic or if time could actually change as the movie moved forward. A lot of this confusion centered around the young woman... who she was, how many times did she die? Did she die at all? Was Hector's wife killed and then saved? Was she killed at all? Etc. I also wasn't sure how the time machine worked. But seeing as though this was the first time that a "vertibrate had entered" the machine, they didn't understand it either.
The One I Love Reviewed and Explained - an explanation and investigation into the movie The One I Love, because it totally needs to be investigated!
In Praise of Coherence or Decoherence - One of the best indie mindjob movies I've ever reviewed. Hands down.
The Signal Movie Explained