The Wind Movie Recommendation and Explanation - a scary closed box thriller that keeps you guessing from the first minute.
The Ending of Jordan Peele's US Thoroughly Explained - because, truth be told, I'm not even sure I understood it fully.
Always Shine is Your Next Closed Box Favorite - or how you really should watch more intense closed box movies that pit one character against another.
Explaining why Velvet Buzzsaw is Art Criticism Perfection - but the movie definitely was a paint by numbers at the end of the day... unfortunately.
Insane McConaughey and Hathaway Movie Serenity Explained - because someone has to unpack this inside out movie, it's not going to unpack itself dangit.
Someone Needs to Explain the Movie Antiviral Because Wow Is This Movie Really Crazy Kind of Mindjobness of a Special Variety!
The Ending of The Fear of Darkness Explained - or, maybe we should do our very best to untangle this circuitous ending of a movie.
The Movie Faults Will Reprogram You - because this is possibly one of the most clever intervention movies ever.
The History of the Lizzie Movie and Meaning Discussion - It's an interesting and really historic reenactment of the true history of the Borden murders, until, that is, it isn't.
Black Mirror Bandersnatch Full Walkthrough & Explanation - or how those choose your own adventure books in your attic might still be able to blow the skull cap off the back of your head.
The Movie Frailty Explained and Discussed - wherein we discuss the twists and turns of the movie Frailty and try and figure the movie out.
New Movie Captive State Just Won... and it's not even out yet.
I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House Discussed and Explained - or how this movie scared me absolutely to death, and in a truly delightful way.
Thoughts on Homecoming television show from Amazon - a deep dive discussion about what exactly happened at the end of the film and why.
Let's Talk about the Movie The Guilty, because while only a micro budget film, it has big big ideas, and all of them are worth talking about.