Lonac has created an amazing new animated art installation in a hidden location in Croatia to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Stream of Consciousness Review of The Witness - you really do just need to go and get the game. It's a challenge that will probably kick your butt, but you'll be glad you did.
Interview With Phenomenal Game Designer Oskar Stålberg Let’s start right off with the most amazing thing about today’s interview… which...
Recently, (oh, and by the way, happy 700th post! cough… where was I?) Oh right, Recently, I’ve seen a number...
Interview with Parametric Artist Mary Wagner I get to meet so many freaking cool people. I love the interwebs. Definitely...
Long Screenshots and The Witness is finally coming - can't wait. can't wait. can't wait. oh, and we've got some amazing "long screenshots" of the game too to share! can't wait. cain't wait.
David Bowie you’ll be missed...
How To Watch The Sublime War And Peace Show From The BBC With only one episode out so far in...
I interviewed Sam Barlow, the creator of Polygon's 2015 Game of the Year, and in honor of the accolades I figured I'd repost the interview and convince you all to give it a try.
What is your creative practice? Recently (yesterday) we had a family crash at the house the spurned a few good...
Interview with Mark Heine Painter the Siren Summoner There is so much flipping artistic talent in this world. Every day...
Alphorns and Parking Garages Are Heavenly - I could listen to this guy go all day long. In fact. I'm hitting play again right now. You should too.
Thoughts on a Post Mortem Autonomous Command Center
After doing the 2015 gifts for geeks I had a pile of cool gifts for grammarians laying around that I thought we could all enjoy together...
Upcoming New Movie Midnight Special Trailer I have really come to enjoy movies that really make the audience think. That...