Watch The Spring online at one of these movie streaming confectionaries: Powered by JustWatch This movie post goes out to...
No Country For Old Men Explainer and Deep Dive - or is this movie even remotely understandable? First, we need some Yeats.
A Random Movie List For Krissy and Spence - or wherein I give two friends a list of movies, while simultaneously avoiding the question 300 more times over the next 6 months!
Blitzkrieg Assassination Nation Walkthrough - or how this modern remake falls flat with its revisionist action ending.
Brick Movie Deconstruction - Brick is a complicated film noir movie with gumshoe roots that is incredibly difficult to unpack on your own.
The Movie Searching is Found Footage Done Right - or how the medium of the movie matters way less than the actual story!
The Movie Mandy's Beginning Middle and Ending Decoded - or how the key to understanding Mandy by understanding Jungian psychology.
Watch Alert!! Upcoming Movie The Dead Center with Shane Carruth and also with crazy dead people or something cool... I'm sure.
Mindjob Movie Thelma Explained and Unpacked - or how you may not realize that Thelma might just be the scariest thing ever.
Why the Movie The East Is Worth A Watch - an anarchist group and its infiltration...
Why Snowpiercer is Not the Political Manifesto You Thought it was. Or how it's possible to enjoy your vegetables sometimes.
Two Theories to Explain The Sound of My Voice - or three, or four, or N. There are a million ways we could view this movie, but basically there are two.
Diverge Movie Ending Explanation & Walkthrough - or how I am certain 95% of people didn't understand this ending.
A Blitzkrieg Movie Tau Explanation Walkthrough - or how yet another movie was built upon our fears of the AI uprising.
A Few Random Philosophical Considerations...