Mark Duplass Movie Creep Is Fascinating Beginning to End hat really is a must see, fantastic experimental movie from the Duplass oeuvre.
A Christian Wrestles With Scorsese's The Silence - or how I try to grasp how I felt, personally about Scorsese's latest project...
Let's Discuss Lady Macbeth And Explain The Confusing Bits - and oh by the way this is a gorgeously evil movie in the best possible way imaginable.
Let Me Explain the Movie Children of Men To You - or, how I had a near religious experience while watching this post apocalyptic dystopian film
New Flatliners Movie Sequel Coming September 29 and if you know what's good for you, you'll love it. I could possibly be talking to myself there. Who knows
Handmaid's Tale Episode 10 Finale Explained in Detail - or how I completely lost my mind while watching this last episode of the season.
Netflix Shimmer Lake Review and Explanation - or why this should be your very next movie to watch... because I told you so! That's why!
A Completely Biased Wonder Woman Review - or how I was surprised to find that there still existed thoughtful and insightful movies within the super hero genre.
Handmaid's Tale Episode 9 Explained in Detail - wherein I watch an episode through intertwined fingers across my eyes. An intense and creepy episode to put it lightly.
Mother's Day Grammarian and Geek Gift Ideas 2017 - or my gift to you because I love you all so much!!
Poisoned Water Documentary About Flint Michigan Crisis - or how I cried when I realized just how awful we can be to each other.
Handmaid's Tale Episode 8 Explained in Detail - wherein I watch an episode through intertwined fingers across my eyes. An intense and creepy episode to put it lightly.
The Amazing Alien Covenant Unpacked and Explained - or how the entire Alien universe is actually, finally, beginning to come together and make sense. Phew.
Handmaid's Tale Episode 7 Explained in Detail - or how Offred starts a new fertility program, watches as her friend pops a guard's head like a watermelon, and we learn key details about Luke.
Handmaid's Tale Episode 6 Explained in Detail - or how Offred starts a new fertility program, watches as her friend pops a guard's head like a watermelon, and we learn key details about Luke.