Spoiler Tsunami! Thoughts On the Batman vs Superman Ending [amazon template=iframe image&asin=B01DEBC7Q6]I had no interest in this movie – at...
10 Cloverfield Lane Reviewed and Cloverfield Mythos Explained, because this movie is a lot lot bigger than it's small script and cast would have you believe. Join me as we pull the engine on this movie and investigate it from the inside out and explain what is going on here.
New Short Film Code 8 Prepped for Big Screen - wherein I find a 9 minute film I would prefer watching over Batman vs. Superman. But that goes without saying I hear.
Time Machine Subway Hoax Is Bloody Brilliant - what would you do if you ran into an older version of yourself? These guys play this idea out on a subway train...
An Interview With The One And Only Ian Scaife - wherein I embarrass myself in front of YET ANOTHER polite British person.
Thoughts on Facebook's 1984-esque Compassion Team, wherein I take things too personally and internalize classical literature as a warning for the future.
Bible Experiment Jonah Let’s just hit this book running because I have a pile to say this week. Buckle up....
The Revolution Against Evolution - an interview with Michael Fischer, discussing evidence against evolution and the faith required to believe evolution in the first place.
Sometimes the magic of a movie is that it so thoroughly immerses the viewer into a new world and new...
Bible Experiment Obadiah - wherein I take a 500 word book of the Bible with one chapter and turn it into a 2,000 word discussion on your hostility towards God. Who knew?
Interview with Victoria Movie Cinematographer Sturla Brandth Grøvlen - and I get to chat with the guy who shot a movie that clocked in at 2 hours and 18 minutes. 138 continuous minutes of shooting, all shot by Sturla. Fascinating interview.
Victoria Movie Walk Through and Review - Victoria is possibly the single greatest thing ever. Better than waffles in the shape of Darth Vader even. Here's why you need to watch it now.
Designing a Mind Job Golden Gate Bridge Poster I get new ideas of things to do, to write, to memorize,...
Spoiler Filled Interview with Author of Illuminae Jay Kristoff or, how I pulled of the interview coup of the year.
Episode VIII is Now In Production - what else do you need? What else is there? I can't add to that? That's AWESOME!