Beautifully Kinetic Jellyfish Chandeliers

Beautifully Kinetic Jellyfish Chandeliers

Definitely file this in the urgent read section of your priority list for the day. Because, this is, without a doubt, the single most important thing you will have going on today. Hahah. Ok, so jellyfish styled chandeliers are specifically world changing, but they are gorgeous in their elaborate unfolding and inner-workings. Tell me this isn’t just a little bit worth your time.


In design, biomimetics (come on, that word alone was worth your visit here today) is hand crafted elements that emmulate living things. Biomimetics is the artificial development of design pieces which are completely, 100% inspired by the natural world around us. Studio Drift is all about this design asthetic. So, take the idea of a flower opening up or of the undulations of a jellyfish, these are all functions that Studio Drift utilize for their

jellyfish-chandelier-1It’s as if they have decoded the intricate DNA of an unfolding flower, and recoded it into the synapses and inner-workings of these intricate lights. I’ve watched the making of video below twice and I still don’t really understand how they unfold, and refold, so seamlessly. Its, at the very least, an engineering wonder. But a part of me thinks, if these things were to spontaneously begin moving on my ceiling I may just come a little unglued. Right? These otherworldly creatures slowly unveiling themselves and dropping out of the sky?  That right there would be tripy stuff. Or maybe I have an overly active imagination?

venus-fly-trapWhat if we created a kickstarter that didn’t model a version of these chandeliers on jellyfish, but rather modeled them after the Venus Fly Trap, or maybe a Giant Killer Squid? (Like how I inappropriately and excessively capitalized all that action?  Makes it seem like possibly death is imminent!  We are right on the verge baby!  hahaha.) Now that would be freaky-deaky. I’m totally seeing it!

Anyway, these really are gorgeous experiments if nothing else. I love the flowing kinetic-ness of each one and how they are individually unique as they unfurl. Gorgeously realized.  Well, if you found these other-worldly things as interesting and intriguing as I did, you have got to check out this making of video: