Netflix Series Dark Family Tree Poster

Netflix Series Dark Family Tree Poster

Are you looking for a season 1 Family tree for the Netflix’s show Dark? I have got you covered. I mean, looking at the season 2 family tree before you’ve watched season 2 will spoil almost everything. So I understand. Are you looking for a season 2 family tree for Netflix’s show Dark? Brilliant, cause I’ve got one of those too. And finally – if you want a family tree with all the secret sauce, I got one of those as well. Just stick with me, and we’ll get you the family trees you need. Alright – here we go, Netflix Series Dark Family Tree Poster!!! Excited? I am. This post has been a long time coming.

PLEASE DON’T SCROLL TOO FAST. IF YOU JUST WANT THE SEASON 1 POSTER, SCROLL SLOWLY!!!! Great. I do NOT want Dark spoilers on my conscience along with everything else.

And, for all of you that stumbled onto this page – and you are wondering what the heck all the fuss is about? Just go watch Dark on Netflix, and you’ll quickly realize just how crazy cool this show is. You can start watching right here.

A Little Donation Will Go Along Way

Look, you haven’t seen the family trees yet. I get it. You are like, dude wants a $5.00 donation for a little family tree? Hahah. Yeah. I get that. But I’ve spent close to 200 hours of my life working out all three of these detailed family trees. I’ve taken dozens and dozens of suggestions over the past couple years to make all three of them what they are today. So, when you are downloading, a donation tossed my direction will help recoup some of that time that went into making each one.

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Netflix’s Dark Season 1 Family Tree

Ok, with that donation crap out of the way, here is the season 1 family tree. This has SPOILERS for all of Season 1… look closely at your own detriment.

— you have to click it to in-biggify it…

Donation Amount

Netflix’s Dark Season 2 Family Tree

Ok, with that donation crap out of the way, here is the season 2 family tree. AGAIN. Do not look at this tree if you’ve only watched season 1. It will literally burn your corneas out. Trust me on this. You will disappoint yourself greatly. Just don’t do it. All those who’ve seen season 2, proceed.

Dark Family Tree Season 2 spoilers

— you have to click it to in-biggify it…

Donation Amount

Netflix’s Dark Season 3 Family Tree

Once again – with that donation crap out of the way, here is the season 3 family tree. AGAIN. Do not look at this tree if you’ve only watched season 2. It will literally burn your corneas out. Trust me on this. You will disappoint yourself greatly. Just don’t do it. All those who’ve seen season 3, proceed.

This is the whole enchilada. The Big Cahuna. This thing is at least three times larger than the other two combined. So, yeah, pray a little prayer for your internet bandwidth, and then click on it in order to make it go. Then zoom in to understand what it is that it is actually saying to you.

— you have to click it to in-biggify it…

Anyway, over the last few years, I spent hundreds of hours scribbling, notating my notes, scribbling my scribbles, and all of it just to fully understand the comings and goings of this show. I literally cannot think of another movie or show I have spent more time on delving into each of the characters, charting their relationships or detailing out their place in their universe. Never. Which is saying alot, because I’m the guy that thinks Inception had 7 dream layers as opposed to 3. I’m the guy that figured out the false ending of The Prestige. I’ve deconstructed the internal workings of Timelapse and chatted with the creators. I have spent a ton of time digging on so many of these crazy movies. But this diagram I am about to show you puts all of that work to shame. So come on back regularly to THiNC., better yet, sign up to my weekly digest and swing back through regularly.

And thanks for stopping by to check out my crazy Netflix Dark Family Trees. I’m glad you were able to check them out. And remember to donate!

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