Everything is Changing at THiNC.

Hey there everyone…

Taylor here. … … of, you know… TaylorHolmes.com? You don’t. Okay. Let’s start over. Currently – and I have no idea how you got here, or why you don’t know this already – you are on taylorholmes.com, and that site is run by me. Taylor. This is a site that has prided itself for 10 or 15 years on finding some of the best Indie, mindjob films, ever created. You know, like the one that you were searching for, that brought you here in the first place. Maybe you are into Dark, and you found my crazy detailed Dark Family Trees? Or maybe you needed a film similar to the one you just watched, and you found Coherence, The Invitation, Starfish, or a hundred other films like them.

And for the most part, I’ve broken even on the site. This past year the site has had over 7 million visitors so far this year. Up from like 5 million the entire year previously. So, it’s great to see that kind of growth. I’ve also met tons of cool people. People that love crazy movies, from crazy places. Reminds me of the time I interviewed a reader from Iran, and all my Iranian readers just started popping out of the woodwork. Just the other day, a long time reader showed up over on Discord, out of the blue, who is from Armenia? Grastoschisis? Armenia? And we started a Patreon which brought in even more friends. And the other day I even created a Patreon Hall of Fame to celebrate them.

Okay, so, to the point (long time readers know that I have a hard time getting to it) – so for some odd reason, ad revenue cratered in the past few months. Not sure why. Just boom, fell. So, I thought it might be my wordpress theme, that was jacking up ads and throwing ads all over … and making the site generally miserable. So, I hired a guy to update my theme, give me a new one, and change the way ads work. AND THAT MADE IT MUCH WORSE. First it broke tons o’ functionality. And it also made it so ad revenue got worse. And, worse? I can’t roll back, I’d lose tons of my content, and data, which is now pretty munged. Good times! hahaha. So, sorry about the chaos on the site the past couple weeks.

Now… I could just keep churning out content, and pay for the site out of my pocket. But, it makes me a little grrrr’d to spend like 20 hours a week writing, and searching, and bringing movies to you all, AND lose money doing it. Yes, I would pay to be your friend. This is true. But not the current amount I am paying. Sorry. So, I’m going to start making some changes. And the shift will be to primarily focus on Patreon as the prime mover for the site. Which, bring us to the announcements and site changes:

  1. Patreon – the shift will be to Patreon now. Which means that my focus will be writing for Patreon members.
  2. Also, I’ll be working on new rewards, and incentives for becoming a Patreon member.
  3. All THiNC. content will be locked for Patreon for 30 days. 30 may go to 60. Not sure. We’ll see how it effects ads.

I’m totally open to changes to the rewards I give out to Patreon members, but here’s where they stand today:

Tin Tier ($3) –

  • Early access to all THiNC. site content
  • Hall of Fame Tin Tier listing

Silver Tier ($5) –

  • Early access to all THiNC. site content
  • Bespoke movie recommendations
  • Patreon only exclusive Discord chat channels
  • Hall of Fame Silver Tier listing

Gold Tier ($10) –

  • Early access to all THiNC. site content
  • Bespoke movie recommendations
  • Patreon only exclusive Discord chat channels
  • Movie Zoom Watching Fridays (Or 3-6pm mountain weekdays, if that works for you!?)
  • Lots of say for what movies we talk about on THiNC.
  • Hall of Fame Gold Tier listing

Platinum Tier ($15) –

  • Early access to all THiNC. site content
  • Bespoke movie recommendations
  • Patreon only exclusive Discord chat channels
  • Movie Zoom Watching Fridays (Or 3-6pm mountain weekdays, if that works for you!?)
  • All the say for what movies we talk about on THiNC.
  • Oh Captain, My Captain, you are in the captains chair, THiNC. is your domain, lead on
  • Hall of Fame Platinum Tier listing

Sign up today over on Patreon.

Look, I get it. The internet is free. It should be free. But the internet isn’t free to run and provide. I’m not chastising you. You are free to keep reading the 30 day delayed content. But if too many do that, I’ll push it out to 60 days. I’d appreciate it if you would consider signing up today in order to keep THiNC. going. $3 should be doable for most of my readers.

Oh, and if you legitimately can’t afford to pay to read THiNC. in real time – you are out of work, health issues, whatever – feel free to let me know, and I’ll figure out how to get you access to the content in real time. (I legitimately don’t know how to make that happen technically, but I’ll figure something out.) Fair enough? Great.

Thank you for signing up today. My very first delayed post will be Squid Game, and you are not going to want to miss that one.


Edited by: CY