Episode VIII is Now In Production - what else do you need? What else is there? I can't add to that? That's AWESOME!
A Year Worth of Solar Flares - it amazes me that we are able to see these sorts of videos of the sun without so much as giving it a second thought.
Autonomous and Synchronous Drone Magic creates reactive and responsive fleets of drones that appear to be alive and capable of almost anything.
Monument Valley Now Out On Vinyl - and since valentines is right around the corner, yes, I would let you buy this for me!! You are too kind.
Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.
Fantastic Short Film Turning Point and Interview with Jade Harlow - wherein I have a lovely conversation and learn that accidents should keep one from a day of filming.
With Amos we see once again, that God is talking to us again today, calling us to himself... reconciling us to himself, if only we would listen.
Epic solo family photo awesomeness.
Wherein we get to know Kenny Martin a bit, and we realize after 10,000 words of interview correspondence we are only scratching the surface.
I Want To Share With You The Greatest Ted Talk Ever - and it includes the phrase, "Bonsoir my golden nugget, bonsoir." Is there any better phrase in the English language? Obviously not. Refuse to watch at your own peril.
Wait, You Didn’t Read That Book??! You and I have been needing to have a chat. And I didn’t really...
Lonac has created an amazing new animated art installation in a hidden location in Croatia to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Guest Interview with My 7 Year Old Daughter Anica - and she interviews me... sorta.
Black Leakage Decals Ooze Goodness Into Your Life Occasionally I trip across things that make me double take. Black Leakage...
Stream of Consciousness Review of The Witness - you really do just need to go and get the game. It's a challenge that will probably kick your butt, but you'll be glad you did.