Orphyr Short Film Interview with Director Jonathan Degrelle The world of short films is a pretty small ecosystem. Case in...
A ball drops from the sky - and your goal is to draw lines across the flight path of the ball in order to help it redirect into the box. Simple? No, not really.
I absolutely adore these fastidiously perfect little animations. At first I thought they were just adorable. And then I started considering actually designing my own, and how they were done... and my mind just ceased. Done.
I'm a huge map lover. Maps are pieces of art in my mind. Each one gorgeously and lovingly created and reproduced. Some are obviously more artistic than others.
And we can live on forever, Spend our whole lives together, And I don't know how to do it yet, I don't know how it's done
Anyway, I'm just thinking aloud. Mainly interested about how movies persuade discussions, whole swaths of discussions, around a controversial, or undetermined point of topic. I really think that we are swayed by whole swaths of media technologies.
Interview With Lila & Valentin Director Adrien Lhommedieu The short film world is such an awesome sub-culture, with such amazing...
New Bible Old Testament Questions and Answers Data I totally dig data. I’ve been spending time spinning the Ashley Madison...
I Have Many Questions About Humanity Now I watched the clip below, and was just amazed at the sheer quantity...
The Thoreauvian Connection in Upstream Color Shane Carruth are two of my favorite words in the english language. They can...
Is paint envy a thing? I'm thinking it is. Because I have it bad for Emanuele. Man, this guy can paint.
Like I said, I have done a ton of my own stupid. I am not above these individuals on Ashley Madison. Not by a long shot. But I have slipped past the veil of lies that this society is telling us, and have seen the truth...
When I first started thinking about doing this exercise of walking through the entire Bible and writing at least a...
Who Am I is setup as an interview between Benjamin, who is apparently a hacker that has been caught by Europol investigator Hanne Lindberg. Or maybe Benjamin is running for his life from a Russian hacking group that has sussed out his identity and murdered the rest of his hacking crew? Or maybe Benjamin has other plans that we don't quite understand yet?
Everbright is a Lite Bright For Uber Geeks I dig etch-a-sketches. And Lite Brights for that matter. I even had...